Outsiders Club

Granitevale Estate

Granitevale wines are made under the instruction of owner Greg Birch. Greg is as passionate about making wine as he is about drinking it. The estate is run by Greg and his wife, Leigh. You can be sure when you are tasting Granitevale's finest that they have tested it personally. Granitevale Estate offers beautiful wines that are made and sold with pride, and with an affection for the tradition and the processes that create great wine. Granitevale however, do not operate to the norm. They are innovators, delight all of the estate's guests and use the regions unique flavours and tones to create wines that surprise. Granitevale Estate provides brilliant service. When visiting the estate guests are welcomed, and treated to an experience that is unsurpassed within the region!
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Magennis Drive,

Murrumbateman NSW 2582
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