Wee Jasper Reserves Trust Conditions of Use
1. About the Reserves
1.1. Wee Jasper Reserves Trust manages a number of Reserves in the Wee Jasper Valley including, but not limited to Billy Grace Reserve, Fitzpatrick Trackhead Reserve, Micalong Creek Reserve, Swinging Bridge Reserve, Wild Caves Reserve, The Dip Cave Reserve, Carey’s Cave Reserve (under lease),Carey’s Reserve.
1.2. Wee Jasper Reserves Trust is administered by the Crown Lands Division of the NSW Department of Planning, Industry & Environment.
2. All Visitors to the Reserves
2.1. Visitors (including campers – see item 5 for further information) should use Reserves in accordance with these Conditions of Use and generally accepted standards of behavior. Any activities should be safe and socially acceptable and be conducted in a way that does not affect other users of the Reserve. Day Visitors/Cave Users are required to pay a fee of $3 per person at the Office.
2.2. The Wee Jasper Reserves Trust is empowered to enforce by-laws and regulations within the Reserves. Speed limits, noise and fire restrictions, property protection and the like can be enforced on Trust property.
2.3. Situations that may require management include bonfires, fireworks, fires, vandalism, damage to Trust property, trail-bike riding, dangerous/unlicensed driving/riding, carrying passengers in utes/trailers, illegal vehicles, removal of native flora or fauna, dumping of rubbish, residing illegally on a Reserve, failure to pay for accommodation, vandalism, removal of signage.
2.4. Extreme care is to be taken when driving in the Reserves. SPEED limits are to be adhered to and no unregistered vehicles, such as cars, caravans, trailers and motor bikes are prohibited.
2.5. Visitors are requested to observe requests from a manager or other employees in relation to behavior and activities which are deemed to be unacceptable.
2.6. All visitors are to make themselves aware of current FIRE CONDTIONS and are to comply with signage and advice from Reserve staff, Rural Fire Service and other emergency services personnel. Severe penalties apply for non-compliance. DO NOT BURN RUBBISH IN CAMPFIRES
2.7. Visitors are asked to co-operate with Reserve staff, volunteers, Rural Fire Service and other emergency services personnel should the need to evacuate arise for any reason.
2.8. Visitors must comply with NSW recreational fishing regulations.
2.9. At all times visitors to Wee Jasper Reserves must respect the privacy of other visitors.
2.10. Water is now available at each Reserves (excluding Carey’s Reserve). We would advise that all water should be boiled before consuming.
2.11. Rubbish is to be taken with you or placed into the Rubbish Compound at Billy Grace Reserve.
2.12. Do not feed animals or birds. Disturbing domestic or wild animals will not be tolerated.2.13. Under Part 9, Division 9.4. Section 9.12 of the Crown Land Management ACT 2016 (The ACT), a Reserves Manager or other employee authorised by the Reserves Trust can remove a person from the Reserves if they are breaching a by-law that applies to the Reserves or engaging in disorderly conduct which is causing annoyance or inconvenience to other people using or potentially using the Reserves (including affecting their ability to enter or leave the Reserves).
2.14. Please observe and adhere to all signage within the Reserves.
2.15. Trust management reserves the right to involve the NSW Police, emergency services or Yass Valley Shire Council in any incident that is considered to require their attention.
2.16. In case of an EMERGENCY CALL 000 and advise the Manager/staff.
2.17. All emergencies, incidents and complaints should be reported to the Managers Office at Billy Grace Reserve as soon as practicable.
2.18. Other than in the case of an emergency, visitors to the Reserves (including campers) are not to enter the property of the Manager’s residence or surrounding facilities without permission.
2.19. Visitors to the Reserves are not to trespass on private property surrounding the Reserves, including the fishing shacks at Swinging Bridge Reserve.
3. Activities on Reserves
3.1. Any activities should also be in line with the notified purpose of the Reserve and should comply with these Conditions of Use.
3.2. Operators wishing to undertake any commercial activities on Reserves must seek written permission from the Wee Jasper Reserves Trust.
3.3. Organisations wishing to undertake raffles/competitions on Reserves must seek permission from the Wee Jasper Reserves Manager and provide evidence that the activity meets the relevant State requirements and is covered by appropriate insurance.
3.4. Individuals/businesses/organisations wishing to post notices or erect signage on Trust property must seek permission from the Wee Jasper Reserves Trust manager.
3.5. Nets, traps, spears and firearms (including bows) are not to be used on the Reserves.
3.6.All BUSHWALKERS must advise a responsible person of their route and estimated time of return, and report to that person on their return. This information must be left with the Managers Office at Billy Grace Reserve. Emailing the office at Billy Grace Reserve prior to arrival is also required.
3.7. Adventure activities (e.g. caving) undertaken on the Reserve are done so at your own risk. Children under the age of 16 are not permitted in caves without a responsible adult.
3.8. See item 6 for information on groups wishing to use the Reserves to undertake activities (e.g. camping, caving, adventure training, leadership activities).
4. Domestic Animals
4.1. Domestic companion dogs under full control by their owners are welcome on the Reserves. Hunting dogs are not allowed on the Reserves without permission from the Trust manager. Dogs deemed ‘dangerous’ under the Companion Animals Act 1988 or of breeds on the Restricted Dogs list are not allowed on Wee Jasper Reserves.
4.3. Cats are not allowed on the Reserves.
4.4. Horses are not allowed on the Reserves.
4.5. Other domestic animals, such as birds, are allowed but must BE under full control at all times.
4.6. The Wee Jasper Reserves Trust takes no responsibility for the safety of any domestic animal on the Reserves at any time. Owners must take full responsibility for the actions of, and any damage caused by their animals.
4.7. All animal excrement is to be removed from the Reserves by the owner of the animal.
4.8. The Trust has the right to ask owners to remove from the Reserves any animal deemed to be dangerous, aggressive, out of control, excessively noisy or troublesome.
4.9. The Trust Reserves the right to call the Yass Valley Shire Council to remove any animal that is causing a nuisance, being mistreated, is apparently lost or is believed to be dangerous to people/animals.
4.10. Animals are not to stray onto or be taken onto private property or National Parks adjoining Reserves. Dog owners are advised that lethal 1080 fox baits are laid on adjoining properties and a wild dog control program is in place. The safety of dogs trespassing on properties surrounding Reserves cannot be assured.
4.11. Animals on Reserves are not to be left unattended at any time.
4.12. Owners are to ensure that their animal(s) do not disturb other animals – native or domestic.
5. Campers
5.1. Campers are required to supply contact information including name, phone number, email, address and vehicle registration. At staff discretion, further identification may also be required such as a driver’s licence.
5.2. Eftpos & Credit Card payments welcome. Cash accepted.
5.3. Campsites are to be no less than 3m from any other campsite. Do not restrict access to other campsites or to the river/creek/amenities with your own campsite or vehicles.
5.4. Please use only the room you require for your Caravan/tent/camper/swags etc, if you are taking up to much space Wee Jasper Reserves staff will ask you to condense. Failure to comply could see you being asked to leave.
5.5. Campsites are not to be left unattended for more than 24 hours. Campsites unattended for more than 24 hours may be reported to the NSW Police. A fee of $15.00 per night will be charged for unattended campsites.
5.6. Campsite rubbish is to be cleared away prior to or upon departure. The Rubbish Compound is located at Billy Grace Reserve.
5.9. Camping is not allowed within 30m of playground equipment or barbecue areas or within 10m of amenities at peak times or long weekends.
5.10. Campers should refer to item 2 for information for “All visitors to the Reserves”.
5.11. Helmets must be worn when riding a push bike.
6. Groups Bookings
6.1. Groups for the purposes of these Conditions include scouts, schools, government bodies and training organisations.
6.2. All groups including day users wishing to undertake activities on the Reserves should let management know prior to arrival by EMAIL.
6.3. All Conditions of Use apply to groups. Groups who do not comply may be excluded from future use of the Reserves.
7. Short Stay Parking
7.1. Vehicles belonging to walkers undertaking the Hume & Hovell Walking Track, as well as supplies may be left at the Manager’s Office at Billy Grace Reserve with prior arrangement.
7.2. The Wee Jasper Reserves Trust takes no responsibility for any vehicles, caravans or trailer parked on the Reserves.
For booking, deposit and cancellation terms and conditions, please click here