Outsiders Club

Marchmont Park Alpacas

Marchmont Park Alpacas was established in 2005 on a 40-acre property situated on Wee Jasper Road, just four kilometres from Yass Township. This is an area well suited to alpacas with cold winters and dry summers. Alpacas serve many purposes including showing and breeding, are producers of superb fleece, being sheep and goat guardians and, of course, as pets. The owners of Marchmont Park Alpacas are able to spend much of their time with the alpacas in their day-to-day care and to be there when crias (babies) are born. They are committed to breeding healthy animals with sound temperaments. Their females have been hand-picked and are producing quality progeny. The stud males can be viewed on the website. Alpaca products are available directly from Marchmont Park or through the Yass Valley Visitors Information Centre. Tours are by appointment only.
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11366 Wee Jasper Road,

Marchmont NSW 2582
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