Outsiders Club

Bermagui Blue Pool

There are more than 100 ocean-fed rock pools along the NSW coast and the Blue Pool in Bermagui is regularly ranked among the prettiest. This gem along the Sapphire Coast is all opaline hues, think azure fading to turquoise to blush and then canary yellow. Clamber down the cliff and you’re greeted by the 50 metre-long seawater swimming hole, expanded to its current size in 1937 by Bermagui resident and philanthropist Bill Dickinson. He’d be happy to hear that his efforts over the decades have kept the crowds coming, it’s an idyllic swimming and snorkelling spot for the whole family (there’s an adjacent wading pool for kids). Dip your head under water and you’ll likely be greeted by a cornucopia of marine life, from anemones and sea stars to crabs, fish and marine snails. Handy facilities include a toilet, shower and change room. If you’re not quite ready to take the plunge, head to the viewing platform for dazzling views over the pool and coast, with whale sightings possible over the winter and spring months.
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Pacific Drive,

Bermagui NSW 2546
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