The ancient Chinese called Kombucha the “Immortal Health Elixir'; it has been claimed that it can treat a wide variety of human illnesses, such as preventing and fighting cancer, arthritis and other degenerative diseases. It also provides other health benefits such as stimulation of the immune system, boosting the libido and most of all it aids in digestion and gut health.
Keeping healthy whilst on holiday doesn't have to be as hard as it sounds, and we have some great tips on making your own Kombucha.
Because it's naturally fermented with a living colony of bacteria and yeast, Kombucha is a probiotic beverage. Studies have proven that gut health has a direct link to mental health; a healthy gut = happy head they say. After drinking 'booch' every day for the last two months my husband and I do feel happier and healthier and we have stopped spending a small fortune on store-bought probiotics and guess what it tastes great!
We look forward to our weekly 'booch' making sessions - the process is actually quite calming and we have shared little Scoby babies with friends to set them up with their own 'booch' factories. So what's stopping you, give our recipe below a try and get your 'booch' on. You won't regret it!
You will notice new scobies will grow, you can leave them in and brew with more than one but your brewing time will be less. You can separate them, to start more brews, give them to a friend, or keep them as backup in case you lose a batch to contamination just put in a container with some booch and cover (don’t refrigerate).
Explore more camp recipes here
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