Kids sure can work up an appetite, especially when they’re being active and having fun-filled adventures. But as anyone who’s spent time with children knows, this appetite can come at a cost. One minute they’re merrily poking things with sticks, the next they’re in the throes of a foot-stomping meltdown. And often, it’s just a simple matter of being hangry.
Whether you’re camping for two days or two weeks, it helps to have a plan of attack for feeding your smaller travelling companions. From camp-friendly recipes to snack ideas, here are some of our favourite (and easy to prepare) camping meals for the entire family.
You’ve just arrived at your new home. The kids are starving, and your get-up-and-go just got-up-and-went. Time to just pull something out of the esky. We love this recipe for smoky campfire beans in Today’s Parent. Simple, filling and nutritious – you’ll all sleep soundly after devouring this beauty around the campfire. Serve with crusty bread and a glass of red (for the adults that is!).
Your kids may be perfectly happy with vegemite on toast. But that won’t keep them going for very long. We think this delicious protein-rich breakfast recipe from Kidspot will do just the trick. An omelette in a bag – what’s not to love? You can also add tomatoes, cheese, mushrooms; whatever takes your fancy.
When you’re enjoying all Reflections Holidays has to offer, the easiest lunch option is to sample the local cuisine. Head to a family-friendly pub for a counter meal or enjoy fish and chips on the beach. But if only home-cooked will do, this campfire paella recipe from Zestuous looks delicious! If chorizo is too spicy for the kids, this works just as well with chicken.
Campfire cooking is the stuff of holiday memories, and the food always tastes great too. This recipe from Taste takes a campfire classic - damper – to a whole new level the kids will love. Who could pass up a bush hot dog? Just don’t forget to pack the tomato sauce.
Dessert is easy. Pack some marshmallows and send the kids to find the perfect roasting stick. But if you want to take things up a notch, do as the Americans do and make s’mores! This Australian version from Gourmet Getaways uses local ingredients to recreate an iconic camping dessert.
With all that swimming, hiking and exploring, the kids are sure to be bottomless pits. Best to pack snacks, and lots of them. Here are some of our favourites; easy to prepare, easy to grab and go.
If you need a break from campfire cooking, why not take advantage of the restaurants and cafes near many of our Reflections Holiday Parks? Check out our list of our favourite holiday food hotspots, or ask your friendly host for their top dining picks.
So keep the hangries at bay on your next family holiday at a Reflections Holiday Park. Just a bit of forward planning and the whole crew will be happy, well-fed and ready for fun adventures.
Bon Appetit!
Find more great camping and holiday recipes here
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