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Laundy facilities at a NSW park

Laundry Facilities at our Parks

Having clean laundry is an important part of any camping experience. That's why we're proud to offer laundry facilities at all of our park locations. Some parks have cashless washing machines and tumble dryers, whilst others take coins. Don’t forget to bring your washing powder and softener.

Most parks also have clotheslines to dry your washing on – clothes pegs are a must!

Find out which selection of our holiday parks includes laundry facilities.

North Coast

Along the north coast are a couple of holiday parks and camping grounds that include laundry facilities. At Ballina Holiday Park, you'll find a fully equipped laundry room with washing machines, dryers, and an ironing board. There's also a laundry facility at Evans Head Holiday Park, with top-loading washing machines, front-loading washing machines, washer/dryer combination machines and clothes dryers. Ferry Reserve is another beachside holiday park complete with laundry facilities, alongside Scotts Head Holiday Park.


North Coast Parks with Laundry Facilities

Mid North Coast

On the mid north coast, there are several holiday parks with laundry facilities, including Seal Rocks Holiday Park, Jimmys Beach Holiday Park, Forster Beach Holiday Park and Bonny Hills Holiday Park. At all four of these holiday parks, you'll find several washing machines and dryers on-site for your convenience. Our state-of-the-art laundry facilities are especially helpful after a long day of beach activities


Mid-North Coast Parks with Laundry Facilities

Country NSW

There are many holiday parks in the NSW country with laundry facilities, including the camping grounds at Cudgegong River and Mookerawa Waters. Both sites feature a shared laundry facility with washing machines, dryers and an ironing board. You'll also find a laundry room at Lake Burrendong and Lake Keepit.


Country NSW Parks with Laundry Facilities

South Coast

Whether you're camping at the beach or further inland, you can always count on us for clean laundry facilities along the south coast. Our laundry rooms at Pambula, Eden and Bermagui holiday parks make your stay just a bit more convenient.

South Coast Parks with Laundry Facilities