Outsiders Club

Twofold Bay

Twofold Bay is the third deepest natural harbour in the southern hemisphere, a mecca for fishing, whale watching and diving. The bay covers an area of over 30 square kilometres with two distinct bights, Calle Calle Bay and Nullica Bay. Beowa National Park (formerly Ben Boyd National Park) fringes the southern edge of the bay, with Balawan (Mount Imlay) a quiet watcher to the southwest. During spring, humpback whales often come right into the bay to feed and nurse their young on their long journey south to Antarctica. You can explore the abundant waters of Twofold Bay on a whale watching cruise, marine discovery cruise or fishing charter. Twofold Bay is known for its intriguing whale history and the famous 'Killers of Eden' (orcas). For more, check out the self-drive Killer Whale Trail which visits intriguing historical sites in Eden and Beowa National Park.
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Weecoon Street,

Eden NSW 2551
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