Outsiders Club

Terrace Beach and Lennards Island

Only accessible by 4WD, remote Terrace Beach and Lennards Island is the perfect nature escape from the hustle of city life. Situated in beautiful Beowa National Park, on the NSW Far South Coast near Eden, it's a perfect spot for off the beaten track' adventurers. Windswept and wild, this beach offers superb birdwatching, fishing and diving. Soak up the sweeping coastal views across Long Beach down to Haycock Point. You might see pied oystercatchers looking for tasty morsels along the beaches, or languid sea eagles cruising on the coastal breezes. It's a perfect vantage point for whale watching during their annual migration. A perfect spot for a beach picnic, while away a leisurely afternoon fishing or walking along the golden sands. If you're keen to explore the underwater world, bring your scuba diving gear.
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