Outsiders Club

Aslings Beach Rock Pool

Aslings Beach Rock Pool is a stunning rock pool located at the southern end of Aslings Beach in Eden. Surrounded by dramatic pink and white cliffs, this rock pool is a must-visit location for swimmers and photographers alike. It is regularly refreshed by the natural flow of seawater, making it an excellent spot for a refreshing dip in clear waters. The rock pool has fluctuating depths depending on the seas and the movement of sand. When the water levels are low it is an excellent location for families, where little ones can splash in the water and spot sea critters and seashells. The nearby rocky ledges also provide excellent rock fishing. Wander along Aslings Beach and enjoy the soft golden sand beneath your feet and the magnificent views of Twofold Bay's North Head. The beach is patrolled in summer, and the foreshore has picnic tables, a skatepark, a sports ground, a shower and amenities.
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Aslings Beach Road,

Eden NSW 2551
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